Sunday, 22 July 2012

Fried Pizza base

There's no way I'm turning on the oven in summer; so, I thought let's try fried pizza!
My pizza dough recipe was based on . Please visit the link to see different stages of this recipe but I'll still post the recipe below just in case the link doesn't work in the future.

Fried Pizza
Italian Recipes Made Easy
serving : For about 8 mini pizzas

300g of strong white flour
1 tea spoon of dry yeast
1 tea spoon of salt
1 tea spoon of sugar
20ml of extra virgin olive oil
190ml of warm water
vegetable oil

1)For the dough put flour, yeast, salt, sugar, olive oil in a bowl.

2)Using your hands and adding slowly the water mix all the ingredients together until you obtain a soft and smooth dough (if too dry add more water, if too sticky add more flour).

3)Cover and let the dough rise for a couple of hours or until has doubled in size.

4) At this point take small pieces of dough, shape them into mini pizzas and fry in hot vegetable oil. Drain them on kitchen paper.  To me this recipe is good not only to top with pizza garnishes but also good with sour cream, cheese or just plain powdered sugar.

To make into pizza :-
5) In the middle of each mini pizza pour one or two table spoons of the tomatoes sauce and grated parmigiano to your taste.
Serve immediately.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Spinach & Potato Cake

I have misplaced the link to this recipe but I'll look again and give the proper credit when I've found it.

Spinach & Potato cakes
Makes : 10 cakes

450gm fresh spinach, blanch and chopped coarsely, cooled
2 medium potatoes, boiled, mashed and cooled
1 small onion, finely sliced (I used spring onion)
2 eggs
6 Tsp herbs/spices (I used garlic powder, cumin, smoked paprika)
2 fresh green chillies, finely sliced
Fresh coriander, finely chopped (I used parsley)
2 Tbsp flour salt & pepper, to taste
Bread crumbs for coating
Vegetable oil, for frying

1) Mix everything except for bread crumbs until well combine. Let it rest for 30 mins.
2) After 30 mins. start heating oil. Meanwhile start shaping mixture into balls and coat with bread crumbs.
3) When oil is hot enough, fry until golden brown.
4) Serve hot with yoghurt, chilli sauce or sour cream.